Enable Hidden Admin Feature displaying ALL Site Settings

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Freelance WordPress Developer

Enable hidden admin feature – display all WordPress admin site settings

This little piece of code does something pretty cool. It will add an additional option to your settings menu with a link to “all settings” which will show you a complete list of all the settings you have within your database related to your WordPress site. The code below will only be made this link visible to an admin user and hide it for all other users.

 * Enable hidden admin feature
if ( ! function_exists( 'ns_all_settings_link' ) ) {
function ns_all_settings_link() {
 add_options_page(__( 'All Settings' ), __( 'All Settings' ), 'administrator', 'options.php' );
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'ns_all_settings_link ' );


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Hi, I'm a Freelance Web Developer and WordPress Expert based in London with a wealth of website development and support experience. I am great at problem solving and developing quick solutions.